Medical Training Therapy for back pain – OrthoTrain’s Tergumed program offers help!
Studies show that back pain is usually due to lack of exercise. We sit too much, the cervical and pelvic spine are placed under significant loads, and muscles that are important for stabilizing the spine and back are too weak. The Tergumed training program combines muscle development and endurance training with supporting exercises. It won’t be long before you start to feel the results.
Tergumed – the therapy program for the spine
Tergumed is a medical back-training program that uses active training therapy to treat back pain. Research shows that the muscles of patients with back pain exhibit significant deficits and imbalances that can lead to reduced load-bearing capacity, painful ailments and instability. General physical fitness is often reduced as well.
For patients whose spines have been subject to injury or surgery, it is very important to increase muscle strength, mobility, coordination and conditioning while eliminating muscle imbalances.
This is where the Tergumed program comes in:
Tergumed combines two different forms of treatment – muscle development and endurance training – to address lack of exercise and impaired muscular functionality. This therapy method has proved highly successful in studies of patients with back pain.
The Tergumed program is goal-oriented. It starts with a diagnostic analysis of muscle strength and of the mobility of the muscles involved in stabilizing the spine. Tergumed’s performance analysis of the muscles of the core and cervical spine is carried out at PC-assisted analytical workstations. The data is evaluated to show the patient’s spinal-muscle profile in comparison with values obtained from pain-free individuals. Such analyses can reveal existing muscle deficits and imbalances.
In addition, a cardio test is carried out on a bicycle ergometer to determine endurance. The result indicates the patient’s fitness level and offers precise recommendations for the accompanying cardio training.
On the basis of the diagnostic data, a custom training program is drawn up and implemented under therapeutic guidance and supervision on a regular basis over several weeks. Each treatment unit lasts about an hour. Training is performed on Tergumed machines and monitored by a special biofeedback system that improves both strength and neuromuscular processes in an effective manner.
In addition to machine-assisted training with monitor-based feedback control, the training incorporates exercise treatments, muscle-function therapy, stretching and relaxation techniques. Also, a home-based training program is drawn up so the patient can continue his or her training independently.
A final test at the end of the Tergumed treatment program determines how much progress has been made and how successful the measures have been.