In the functional test of sports capability, various sport-motor test methods are carried out in order to assess the sports ability after injuries.
Functional test before resuming sports activities
When can I start sports activities again after my injury? Is my knee stable again for competitive sports? Do I have enough strength in my injured leg to exercise?
For many patients, these are important questions after recovering from the injury and going through treatment and therapy. It should finally start again – but only when there is no longer any risk. The functional test of sports ability helps to answer these questions.
The test battery includes several individual tests, which determine and analyse the neuromuscular strength and jump performance after injuries. In the left-right comparison between injured and uninjured limbs, still existing deficits and limitations are revealed. The objective data provide valuable information about remaining muscular and coordinative limitations and help to assess the ability to return to sports activities.
Recommendations for the resumption of sporting activities can be derived from the analysis of the result
The tests in detail:
Isokinetic Strength Test: Isokinetic performance diagnostics are used to determine muscular deficits and performance. Comparative measurements of the uninjured with the injured side and comparisons with available reference data reveal neuromuscular weaknesses and imbalances.
Jump tests:
The results of various jumping tests are important in deciding whether to resume sporting activities. In the left-right comparison, the results are analysed and compared with reference data.
Drop Jump test (DJ):
The DJ is a low jump from an elevated starting position. In particular, the DJ tests reactive strength abilities. The task of the DJ is to jump up after the low jump as far as possible without a break of the heel and achieve the highest possible jump height. As a performance index, the jump height and contact time on the ground are measured during this jump.
One leg hop test (OLH):
The OLH evaluates one-legged jumps from the stand position forward. The task is to cover as long a distance as possible and to land safely on the bounce leg again without getting out of balance. The achieved jump distances are measured with correct landing.
Side hop test (SHT):
The task of the SHT is to complete as many lateral jumps as possible over a specified marked distance in a certain period of time. Results are evaluated in the left-right comparison and compared with standard data.
Tapping test (TT):
The TT evaluates the speed of movement. The task is to perform quick alternating steps on the spot with the highest possible frequency. The tapping frequency and ground contact times are evaluated. With the help of the TT, a faster fatigue of the neuromuscular system can be detected.